Today, I think my son gave his first attempt at a sentence a seriously awesome try. He's been teething again and his mouth is really hurting him. The only thing that seems to calm him down is being near Sam. So he climbed up on the couch next to her and said,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Today, I think my son gave his first attempt at a sentence a seriously awesome try. He's been teething again and his mouth is really hurting him. The only thing that seems to calm him down is being near Sam. So he climbed up on the couch next to her and said,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Crib
Every morning when I hear my children chatting and singing to each other over the baby monitor, I go into their room, pick up Samantha, and put her in the crib with her brother. We chat and play for a while, then we get up and start our day.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Be What You Are
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What I've Learned on Twitter

- If you don't have a website denouncing God, you are not a good atheist.
- If you don't go to church four times a week, you are not a good Christian.
- If your daughter likes Barbies and pretty pink dresses, you are not teaching her strong feminist values.
- If she is in the treehouse hurling spitballs at the neighbors' kids, she lacks composure and discipline.
- If your son plays with cars and trains and footballs, you are not teaching him to be sensitive.
- If he takes a pretty little doll into a public place and demonstrates interest in it, you are setting him up.
- If you don't publicly bash OWS, you are not a good conservative.
- If you are not camped on Wall Street, you are not a good liberal.
- If you didn't have your children before the age of 22, you are contributing to generation gap clashes.
- If you didn't wait until 40 to have your first child, you lack the wisdom and resources necessary to do so.
- If you made your first million before 30, you were lucky.
- If you haven't made your first million by 33, you weren't focused enough.
- If you choose to stay at home with your children, you are hindering their growth and being overprotective.
- If you go to work and send your young children to daycare, you are an absentee mom.
- If your Christmas meal is a double-quarter-pounder with cheese, you are lazy.
- If you prepare a large feast for your family served on your holiday tableware, you are a show-off.
- If you have money, you buy art.
- If you dedicate your life to creating art, you are a pathetic looser that can't handle a real job.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Not a Parrot. Yet.
Jumping In
I am a capable mother. Friends and family often compliment me in this context.
- I hate doing the dishes.
- I'm a terrible cook.
- I only recycle about half the recyclables in our home.
- I spend too much time on facebook.
- I walk in to cover up my kids before I go to bed and secretly hope my son will wake up so he can sleep with me (although it has only happened a few times).
- I have OCD.
- I'm completely flustered when our routine changes.
- My kids don't eat enough vegetables.
- Neither do I.
- I let my children watch Caillou.
- I let my children watch too much PBS and Nick Jr.
- I teach my daughter to farm resource nodes on MMORPGs.
- I have beer in my fridge.
- I have cobwebs on my ceiling fan.
- I'm too harsh on other moms because I fear the same judgments myself.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Dance Moms
Its a terrible show. Really bad. I rarely watch television, but when I do, it is often the worst kind of reality TV that captures my attention. This is one of them. I'm fascinated with the Dance Moms. The level of snobbery and elitism far exceeds anything anyone could possibly justify.
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Bandwagon
Friday, September 16, 2011
Something Hilarious
Friday, August 26, 2011
Mom, I Need an i-Phone, Part 1
Friday, August 19, 2011
More Than One Square
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Garbie Crisis
Thursday, July 21, 2011
To My Daughter on Your Third Birthday
Even though I try not to, I find myself gazing into your future life, and knowing how hard it is going to be. Knowing at times the pain will seem unbearable. But also knowing you will find such joy as most of us never know. You will experience love closer to God than most of us ever feel. You will see beauty in people that most of us fail to notice.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Slacker Mom
Monday, June 27, 2011
To My Son on Your First Birthday

From the day I knew I was going to have you, you have been the most real, most sincere person in my life. Given your propensity for candor, I feel you deserve nothing less from me. So poetic prose will have to step aside. I'll just tell it like it is.
The day you were born was possibly the greatest relief I have ever felt in my life. When mothers say this kind of thing, it is generally an expression of how grateful we are that you are healthy and beautiful and wonderful and sweet and perfect. I am not ungrateful, but my relief came from you finally getting your heels out of my spine.
You are a nocturnal creature. My farmville farm was rockin' the first eight months of your life. I was really sleepy. Often.
You have a talent matched only by your father for creating unfathomable scents with nothing more than your own biology. I left you on the changing table more than once to be relieved of my lunch.
You teach yourself so much. You learn so fast. Your understanding of basics physics far exceeds the average one year old. Your father and I are so proud.
You wrap your arms around my neck every time I pick you up. You always have. You hold me more often than I hold you. You comfort me more often. I miss you every time I set you down. You warm my heart.
Your smile is more sincere than that of any creature I have ever witnessed. Your eyes are open and clear; your love radiates through them.
As I watch you grow, I know in my heart I would never trade you. Not for any person or experience or item that has, could possibly, or will never exist. And its a good thing. The warranty just expired.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Extra Pickles
This past weekend resulted in a LOT of big trash. Unfortunately, big trash day isn't until next week, so the large boxes and packing material will just have to remain stacked by the fence in the back yard. And while it is no secret that large cardboard boxes make the best toys and busting up packing materials can be the most fun (and one of the messiest) activities ever, it is still entertaining as a parent to see exactly what spin your child puts on the game.
Sam is playing outside. I'm watching her through the back door. She reaches into one of the boxes and pulls out a long piece of foam. She breaks the foam into several smaller pieces, and fills her brother's old Easter bucket from the toy chest. I can hear her talking the whole time, but the washer is running and I can't really understand what she is saying. After each piece of the foam is carefully placed in the bucket, she picks it up and opens the back door to come inside.
"Sam, what are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm selling tacos."
"Mmm hmm. With extra pickles"
My little entrepreneur.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Clean Up Your Solar System
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Fruit Flower Monster
Me: Sam, what would you like for breakfast today?
Sam: I would like a fruit flower, please.
Me: Okay!
Sam: Without oranges, please.
Me: Okay.
Sam: And pink yogurt, not white.
Me: Um, okay.
Sam: And extra blueberries, please.
Me: Extra blueberries. Got it.
Sam: It needs to have six petals.
Me: Do you think you are maybe being just a little particular?
Sam: No, I just like my fruit flowers.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bad Dog!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Nap Time
She seemed a bit moody today. At one point late this afternoon, she was crying about nothing again. I wrapped my arms around her and said, "Sam, are you okay? You seem very tired today."
"I'm okay, mommy" she replied. "I'm just uh-sauce-sted."
If you've been to my house, you know that I've taught my daughter to go into her room and sit on her bed to calm down when she gets upset. She does this quite often. I leave her alone for a minute or two, then I go in and talk to her.
Today, after she hugged me, she walked very calmly to her bedroom and shut he door. I thought it was odd because she usually slams the door, and I thought she had already calmed down. But I let her have a couple minutes to herself.
Turns out, she really was exhausted.
I woke her up about 20 minutes later (it was too late for a real nap). She swatted my hand away and went back to sleep. I picked her up and sat in the chair with her. I asked her if she felt better and she said, "Mommy, I need you and Caius to go out of here so I can sleep."
"Honey, you need to be awake right now so that you can sleep tonight."
"I don't have to sleep tonight. I'll just stay up with you."
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What I Learned on Mother's Day
Mother's Day, 2008: Lesson 1 - Women become mothers the moment we are aware and start preparing for that precious little poop machine to fill the void in our lives. Men become fathers when they change the first diaper. In boy speak, "Being knocked up does not grant you a Mother's Day card, woman."
Mother's Day, 2009: Lesson 2 - If a mother wants some recognition for her juggling skills and hard work (and lets face it, we all do), she has to start reminding her family in February that Mother's Day is coming up. My mother always did this, and I never really understood why. Men do not plan. They do not prepare. And if you don't get a seed planted and really tend it, nothing sprouts on Mother's Day. Instead, you find yourself explaining to him in July that the reason you spent fifty dollars at the flower shop in May was to get his mother something for Mother's Day.
Mother's Day 2010: Lesson 3 - Becoming a mother oneself does NOT grant one immunity from the wrath of one's own mom should one neglect one's daughterly Mother's Day duties. This is a very important lesson, people. Take it from me. Don't test it. Just go see your mom and tell her how much you love her. No matter how inconvenient it seems, its not that hard.
Mother's Day 2011: Lesson 4 - Mothers. Teach your sons to do everything PERFECT for you on Mother's Day. Train them to give you full on princess treatment. Do this not for yourselves, but in the hopes that one day when he has an exhausted, overwhelmed wife with one kid on her hip and one hanging on her leg, he'll know exactly what to do. Train your daughters to accept gracefully that men just don't get hallmark holidays and that we really just want some flippin flowers.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sight Words
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Mommy Dugu
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Little Plastic Cow
She takes him everywhere. He gets lost multiple times daily. He's been stabbed, almost burned, painted, colored, left out in the cold, and he's been covered in bandages (Sam's self administered first aid class) for over a month.
Bowie is what she calls the cat she sleeps with. He is pristine. He's always on her bed. She gets really upset if anyone tries to play with him (especially our little dog, Ndugu). He's been through the wash several times, but you could never tell. He's never enjoyed a pbj with her or dug in the sandbox. But try getting her to sleep without him.
I was thinking about this last night as her cow (after spending most of the day in her hand) was sitting out in the snow and she was crying for Bowie. I realized that most of my own things fell into either a "cow" or "Bowie" category. Some things I use hard and all the time. Other things I keep well and protected, only handling with clean hands when things are calm and safe. As I thought even more about it, I often keep my loved ones in these categories as well. Some share my messiest and ugliest times; they are almost always within reach. Others I keep away from the mess, protected and safe, but I love them just as much and have much difficulty sleeping at night without them in my life.
I usually feel almost guilty about the latter--like I'm not really sharing myself with this person. But maybe that's how its supposed to be. Maybe I'm not supposed to smear grape jelly on all the people in my life. Maybe.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Robot Unicorn Space Cat
How wrong I was. Fail evidence A: Enter my daughter's comfort item "Bowie" the Robot Unicorn Space Cat, with whom she sings "Bowie's in spaa-aaa-aace. Whatchyadoin Bowie?" and answers "I'm jumping over space rocks" and runs around the room singing "always I want to beeeee with you and make beweeeeeeeve with you....."
Ah well. Better luck next time. Right?