A few months ago, I read an article in a parenting magazine about how important it is not to stifle your child's creativity by imposing your own tastes on them. It offered various tips to letting them discover their own tastes in music, art, fashion, etc. When I read the article, I felt pretty good. I thought to myself, "I do all those things! Yay! Go me! I win at mom!"
How wrong I was. Fail evidence A: Enter my daughter's comfort item "Bowie" the Robot Unicorn Space Cat, with whom she sings "Bowie's in spaa-aaa-aace. Whatchyadoin Bowie?" and answers "I'm jumping over space rocks" and runs around the room singing "always I want to beeeee with you and make beweeeeeeeve with you....."
Ah well. Better luck next time. Right?
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