After spending a few hours this week trying to upload various videos of
Caius to this blog with no success, I've finally given up. Pictures will just have to do.
I had intended on presenting a blog about how funny it is when babies first start trying to actually communicate with mommy verbally, supplemented with an adorable compilation of video clips of Caius doing just that. Alas, I lack the tech knowledge to make that happen.
But as I was furiously attempting this, I glanced away from my computer at my children and noticed several things.
1) My daughter at two years old can choose a dvd, remove it from the sleeve, place it in the player, and choose the correct menu option using the remote control.
2) My son at seven months old can flip the switch to turn on his little farm soundboard and push his favorite keys to create the combination of sounds he finds the most entertaining.
3) My daughter can operate a touch-screen handheld video game with a stylus with as much ease as turning the pages of a book.
4) Both of my children attempt to interact with my computer by lightly touching the screen where they would like to see movement or hear sound. This seems to be inherent.
This is when I realized...I have become that woman. In 20 years, I'm going to be my mother-in-law. I will be calling my son who lives hours away to ask him to come home and fix my computer or television or hologram transporting device or whatever. My daughter (while possessing the intelligence and technological know-how to do this as well) will over-estimate my ability to solo the project and try to explain it to me. But if I'm lucky, my son will flash me that same "oh mom, you're so silly" smile he gives me so often now, and just fix the darn thing.