Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yesterday, I heard myself saying, "There is not any time of day I have left to work out.  All my time is taken!"  Of course, this isn't true.  I just had to do the same thing everyone else does and sacrifice one of my lazy activities.  I chose sleep instead of WoW because, lets face it, Catacalysm is coming out.  For those of you that don't know, that's a big deal. 

So at 4 am my alarm went off.  I shut it off and said to myself, "This is stupid" and almost went back to bed.  But I convinced myself I could do this for one day, at least.  Then I looked outside and saw it was raining and cold.  If that's not an excuse to go back to bed, I don't know what is.  And I said to myself, "It always rains every time I want to do something!"  But I put on my shoes, sweatered and leashed the dog, and set out on my morning adventure.  It was everything I had hoped it would be.

Last night, just before supper, my daughter walked into my kitchen, looked around, gave a long sigh, and said "There is never anything to eat in this house."  She's so dramatic!  Where does she get that?

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