Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sight Words

Sam and I have been working on reading for a while, but we have been concentrating specifically on sight words since Saturday. She's pretty good at it, and so far its been lots of fun. We started with five words, and we draw a new random word from the deck each day.

Today, neither of us are feeling really well, so I was relieved to draw the word "I". Yay an easy one! ...or so I thought.

Me: Sam, today our word is "I". Look at the word. "I".

Sam: Mommy, "I" is not a word, its a letter of the alphabet.

Me: "I" is a very special letter of the alphabet that gets to be a word too!

Sam: What does it mean?

Me: "I" is a pronoun used to refer to oneself. For example, "I would like a snack, please." In that sentence, who wants a snack?

Sam: Mommy wants a snack.

Me: Wonderful! That is how we use the word, "I".

.........significant pause here.......

Sam: So "P" is a pronoun for my pee-pee.

.....Maybe mixing flash card time and potty time was not the brightest thing for me to do....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mommy Dugu

This morning was just like any other. The kids woke up, were given their morning drinks, and while Caius was having his bottle I vacuumed the floor and put out a fresh blanket and a bucket of toys for him to play with while I made breakfast. I put him on the floor and went to help Sam in the bathroom.

When I came back, I noticed something in Caius' mouth. Upon further investigation, I found a piece of dog food! I was shocked! So I picked him up, put him in his bouncer, picked up the blanket and toys, swept the floor again, and started all over. Then I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

At this point, I should mention that aside from some unnecessary barking, I have generally well behaved dogs. As such, I often save my "mommy eyes" for the kids and miss out altogether on whatever my dogs are doing.

After a minute or so, I peeked around the corner to check on Caius. Again, there's something in his mouth....another piece of dog food! That's not even possible! He hasn't moved from that spot! So I decide to observe. And this is what I see...

Ndugu (who evidently believes with Dave gone I need help feeding the baby) walks into the kitchen, picks up a couple bites of food, and brings them to Caius. I think to myself, "Well, that's inconvenient. He often takes his food other places to eat it, I wish he wouldn't do that right there." Caius is facing the other direction and not paying attention, so there is hope. I keep watching. Ndugu picks up the food again, takes it around to the other side of the baby, sets it down, and nudges it toward him. Yup. That just happened. My dog is feeding my kid.

Maybe he is a big helper. Maybe he thinks I'm not performing up to par. Or maybe he's just trying to earn brownie points so Caius will drop food down from the high chair. I guess only time will tell.